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Subject:Kawamoto Masukichi Seto Meiji - Request - a poem
Posted By: Tom Sat, Dec 07, 2024 IP:

This is a beautiful seto porcelain signed by Kawamoto MasukichiAs I can only guess, it contains a fragment of a poem, maxims, etc.
Please help me decipher this message from the past.
Much obliged
Thank you for any clue
Thank you

Subject:Re: Kawamoto Masukichi Seto Meiji - Request - a poem
Posted By: I.Nagy Sun, Dec 08, 2024

(Bamboos) make good friends with cold frost
(Then these bamboos) will give birth to good offsprings after the rain*

* The Chinese poet Su Zhe (蘇轍) 1039-1112, went to his friend Chen Jian's (陳憲) bamboo house and composed the above poem.

**Ōide Tōkō 大出東皐 1841-1905
Painter and pottery painter.
Was active in Seto temporarily.
Tōkō-isshi was one of his art-names

With regards,

Subject:Re: Kawamoto Masukichi Seto Meiji - Request - a poem
Posted By: Tom Thu, Dec 12, 2024

Dear I.Nagy
Thank you so much for this translation. I know it's not easy, and full of idioms. However, know that this is all you do, and it's very important—not only for me but for all those who benefit from your invaluable kindness and knowledge.

These old objects, eternal and fleeting, like this Kawamoto porcelain, are like small holes, fleeting curtains; they are like cracks in time through which a glimmer of light from past times slips through
through which we come to the testimonies of bygone days and the fates of people who may not have left any material traces other than some fleeting inscription, a trace of poetry, a fingerprint on a vessel.
Su Zhe (蘇轍) 1039-1112
Chen Jian's (陳憲)
Tōkō Ōide 1841-1905
Kawamoto Masukichi 川本枡吉 1831-1907
the memory of four beings in one tiny piece of porcelain
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