Subject:Re: Table
Posted By: Tony W. Thu, Sep 14, 2023
Thanks so very much Bill H. for your time and kind help with thoughts on the type of wood of this table/counter! I really appreciate it 🙏 Lately, I have used an online image resizer on my phone for convenience and just now realized that the resized image color looked off/ weird! In person, it looks quite different from teak and is much more translucent!
Among many subjects, I am clueless on wood identification! We got this from an antique dealer , who loves rosewood furniture and had obtained it from an estate sale. She genuinely identified and spoke of it as rosewood; however, she thought that it looked vintage and was not sure that whether it was an antique one. As she mentioned, due to its large size and mainly to the restriction on rosewood online sell listing, it was only feasible for her to sale locally, as she had tried to keep her inventory fluidic. Of course, we did not pay an arm and a leg for it :) One thing bothers me is that there is a gap between the top panel and the main frame! I searched online, and the gap might be a hint that the original panel slab was replaced?! ...
Maybe it is just a regular table, but would love to have some thought from Kirk, Tim G., and others ...