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Subject:ID Partial Chinese Mark
Posted By: Maria Fri, Aug 14, 2020 IP:

Hello all. I need help in identifying the red ink mark on this plate. I know that the red wax seal is the Jian Ding (Certified) Export Approval Seal
but I can't identify the partial Chinese red ink mark. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Subject:Re: ID Partial Chinese Mark
Posted By: Bill H Sat, Aug 15, 2020

The last three characters of the mark are '永昌造' (Yong Chang Zao) 'Made by ? Yongchang). There's insufficient detail left from the first character of the stamp to determine the surname with certainty, and when I checked Google and my own lists, I came up with two possibilities, both indicated to have been porcelain artisans of the Republic Period (1912-49). These were:

巢永昌 - Chao Yongchang


徐永昌 - Xu Yongchang

I have some poor images of a marked dish by Xu Yongchang, but this doesn't necessarily mean that Chao Yongchang was the painter, as the marks have different borders. There are scraps of the stamp in the upper right of the mark (when it is flipped 90-degrees right to reading position), but they could be from either of the mystery characters or from another one entirely.

Best regards,

Bill H

Subject:Re: ID Partial Chinese Mark
Posted By: Maria Fri, Aug 21, 2020

Thank you for that detailed information!!! Such knowledge. I really appreciate it.

Subject:Re: ID Partial Chinese Mark
Posted By: Annick DELESALLE Sat, Nov 19, 2022

hello I have a sedan chair in wood with the Jian ding seal please let me know the value of it I would like to sell it thanks

Subject:Re: ID Partial Chinese Mark
Posted By: Bill H Sat, Nov 19, 2022

You should repost your message under a proper title to the page meant for new messages at the link below:

The proper link is the first of the choices at the top right side of the main message list. It can be seen there by all forum members.

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