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Subject:Silk painting
Posted By: Steve Recz Tue, Apr 30, 2024 IP: 2601:243:c04:14f0:b8

Can anyone identify period or artist?

Subject:Re: Silk painting
Posted By: I.Nagy Wed, May 01, 2024

文翁老師相教正 金俊明
On the 9th Day of the 9th Month of the Year of Fire-Horse (1666) while copying and learning from the old Zhao literati masters of Wuxing*
Upper seal,
金俊明氏 - Master Jin Junming
Lower seal,
耿庵 - Geng'an (Brite hut) - Pseudonym

* Zhao Zigang(Mengfu), Zhao Yong, Zhao Yiguan etc.

Jin Junming 金俊明 1602-1675
His original name was Gun, also named Xiaozhang, also known as Geng'an, was a native of Wuxian County in the south of the Yangtze River (now part of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province).

The work is most likely a copy.

With regards,


Subject:Re: Silk painting
Posted By: Steve Recz Wed, May 01, 2024

You are the best. Thank you very much.
As to the work being a copy.

I can have my dreams.

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Subject:Re: Silk painting
Posted By: I.Nagy Wed, May 01, 2024

Translaton of colophon

When the sun is warm and the wind is gentle、it is just the right time to plant mediacal plants.
The red springs and green walls are drooping with dills.
The deer in the secluded stream is still quiet amid of liverworts, and the birds do not notice the coming of the clouds in the deep trees.
Qing Suo and the others are happy with he same heart, they follow each other and carry wine to the spring mountain from afar
But I feel ashamed, that I have the inside-out
mandarin cap on my head, and I pour the wine before I win
Colophon by Bi Jian
畢簡 Bi Jian

Poem titled "Paying a visit to Yang Buguo in the mountains" by the Tang Dynasty poet Qian Qi

Bi Jian 畢簡 1781-1860
Qing Dynasty landscape painter.
It is also possible that he added the colophon.

With regards,

Subject:Re: Silk painting
Posted By: Devil's Advocate Sat, May 04, 2024

"Do not post pictures which are not yours without permission from the copyright holder. It is the responsibility of each poster to make sure you have permission to use any photos you post."

Subject:Re: Silk painting
Posted By: Steve Recz Sat, May 04, 2024

Images were from an estate auction site. The owner of the artwork posted the pictures so people could see and possibly bid on the artwork. | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |