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Subject:Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: Steve Thu, Apr 04, 2024 IP: 2601:1c0:8483:1720:5

Hello All,

I have a painting that I am hoping for help in finding a little information on - particularly translating some characters on the right side of the painting.

I believe it is a Japanese painting of a wind god, but beyond that I am unsure about age or artist. I'm hoping the inscription on the right hand side will help someone decipher.

It is quite beautiful to my eye, but unfortunately somewhat damaged, and seems pretty old. Looking forward to any info one might have!


Subject:Re: Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: Steve Tue, Apr 23, 2024

I'm still hoping someone here can read the characters on the right hand side, though I recognize that they are a bit cut off. I will re-attach a photo here.

Also - after some more research, It seems this is not the "wind god" but rather the thunder god, and that this is likely to be a woodblock print rather than hand painted.

Any further help reading the inscrition is greatly appreciated!

Subject:Re: Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: peter Mon, May 13, 2024

its a wood block printed reproduction of a painting by soutatsu.

the painting:

the man:

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Subject:Re: Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: Steve Sun, May 19, 2024

Thank you for this! Should provide some interesting reading. I'm wondering if there is any possibility of determining the age or who printed it based on the writing on the side?

In any case, thanks again!

Subject:Re: Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: peter Fri, Jun 14, 2024

probably late 19th eaarly century. there are some publishers creating such "reproductions" like kokka or shimbi shoin.

Subject:Re: Indentification and Translation on gold painting of wind god?
Posted By: Steve Fri, Jun 21, 2024

Hey Thanks for the additional information! Definitely helpful. Appreciated! | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |