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Subject:Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Dave P. Sat, Feb 28, 2009 IP:

I am hoping someone could help me to assign a date to this vase which I have inherited. It is supposed to be from the Ming dynasty, but we do not know if it is actually an old piece or a modern reproduction. We would really appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance. Height: 22.9 cm

Subject:Re: Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Gary Mon, Mar 02, 2009

This appears to be a 16th Century jar from the Wanli period. The pattern however along with the 'blotting paper' blue just doesn't sit right with me and I suspect therefore it is a modern piece!


Subject:Re: Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Arjan Tue, Mar 03, 2009

Hi Gary and Dave of course,

These older pieces are very, very thin ice for me to go on but are those hairy lines the only concern for you? As I mentioned I don't know mutch about these older ware but I have seen that hairy/watery cobalt before on Ming and older pieces. For me the shape looks ok for ming, the colors looks ok and border decorations also. I don't have the feeling that the brown bottom is painted as one can find on 20th. ct. fakes.

best regards,

Subject:Re: Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Gary Thu, Mar 05, 2009

Hi Arjan,

No! The 'hairy blue' as you put is not the only problem I'm afraid although at this period the blue was stable so...Good description though :-)

The pattern is to contrived for me. It 'feels' wrong! The base is what I would expect from a piece that's been down the local sewer for a few months!! I have also seen this type of 'hairy blue' before in a similar convincing piece...Here take a look at this and see what I mean!


Subject:Re: Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Cal Thu, Mar 05, 2009

Think 'chatter marks' on bottom inscribed, not true potter's chatter-marks. True ones slightly spiral and not flat.

Good luck,

Subject:Re: Ming Chinese Vase
Posted By: Arjan Fri, Mar 06, 2009


Thank you..... Indeed, thats what I meant.

Arjan | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |