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Back to Bodhisattva with Attendants

Theresa McCullough

3. Bodhisattva with Attendants
Pakistan, Ancient Region of Gandhara
Kushan Period, 2nd/3rd century AD
Height: 52.7 cm (20 7/8 ins)
Bodhisattva with Attendants
Detail: alternate view
A figure of a Bodhisattva seated in meditation on a throne draped with fabric and with two possibly stylised lions at the corners. The main figure is flanked by two devotees who turn inwards from the waist to face the Bodhisattva, their hands containing small offerings.. The throne back forms a halo around the Bodhisattva's head edged with a leaf motif.

Comparable example:
De l'Indus à l'Oxus Archéologie de l'Asia Centrale, Montpellier, France, 2003, fig 215.
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