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Theresa McCullough

4. Buddha
Thailand, Dvaravati style
Mon Period, 8th-9th c.
26 cm (10 1/8 ins)
Detail:Back view
A figure of Buddha, standing, both hands formed vitarkamudra, a style typical of Dvaravati Buddha images. The slim figure wears a long monk’s robe covering both shoulders and moulding to the shape of the body. It falls down from the wrists to form simple pleats on either side and the impression of a lower garment around the waist is clearly visible, the end of which falls below the outer garment at the ankles. The face has a serene expression and the lips form a slight smile. The hair is arranged in large curls.

The style of Dvaravati is instantly recognisable, displaying homogeneity of characteristics, and an expertise which is almost all that is left to denote the existence of a remarkable civilisation.


Woodward Jr, H. W.; The Sacred Sculpture of Thailand, The Walters Art Gallery, USA, 1997, p. 63, fig 59.

Brown, R. L. (ed); Art from Thailand, Marg, India, 1999, p. 19, Nandana Chutiwongs, Early Buddhist Sculpture of Thailand: circa sixth-thirteenth century.

Detail: close up from right side
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