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Theresa McCullough

64. Krishna
Southern India
12th c.
16 cm (6 1/4 ins)

This figure was originally part of a group consisting of Krishna and his two wives: Rukmini on his right and Satyabhama on his left and his mount Garuda. In such groups Krishna is known as Rajamannar (leader of the people). He is portrayed as a royal cowherd, and the image type basically is the same as the employed for the Siva image known as Vrishavahanamurti (Image with the bull mount). Here Krishna’s left arm rests on Satyabhama’s shoulder, thereby indicating his greater affection for her. Rukmini is slightly more aloof as befitting a dignified elder wife or chief queen. Krishna’s right hand would have held a shepherd’s crook. Like Siva’s, Krishna’s hair is so arranged as to appears as a tall crown, although it is not matted.

Price: £3,500.00
Itemcode: Item 62 (A0705-132)

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