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24. Buddha Sakyamuni
Thailand, Si T'ep style
circa 8th century AD
Silver repousse
Height: 19.7 cm (7 3/4 ins)
Buddha Sakyamuni

A relief figure of Buddha Sakyamuni, the historical Buddha, seated in yogic pose on a lotus cushion, with an arched halo around his head. His right hand forms vitarkamudra (teaching gesture). His left forms varadamudra (bestowing a favour).

Repoussé relief plaques made from precious metals are associated with the Buddhist site of Si T’ep and are thought to have been commissioned by the Buddhist laity for interment in a stupa or reliquary chamber, for the purpose of consecration. A silver repoussé plaque in the Victoria and Albert Musuem, London (ref. IS 362-1992) bears a resemblance to this piece in the modelling of the long thin fingers and in the physiognomy of the face, and was possibly found in the same hoard.


Brown, R (ed.); Art From Thailand, Marg Publications, India, 1999, p. 42, fig 10.

Woodward Jr, H. W.; The Sacred Sculpture of Thailand, The Walters Art Gallery, USA, 1997, p. 51, fig. 44.

Provenance: Nitta collection, Japan.

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