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Founded in 1993 as Lhasa Archive Project, THF became officially accredited in Tibet in 1996. 
THF has tax-exempt status in Germany through partnership with Verein Freie Kultur Aktion Berlin (contact Sylvester Kaben at and with Shalu Deutschland e.V. - contact Elke Hessel at Fax (+49)(0)-211-284233.
Bank account Shalu Deutschland: "Lhasa", Deutsche Apotheker- und Aerztebank, Duesseldorf, BLZ 30060601, a/c no. 000 4326512.
In the US, THF has a partnership with Pioneer Valley Friends of Tibet (PVFT) (501c3 tax exempt). THF has recently amended its statutes to establish a formal partnership with PVFT. Contact /checks can be sent to: Professor Janet Gyatso, Dept. of Religion, Amherst College, Campus Box 2252, Amherst MA 01002-5000 USA.

Website host: Ian Alsop, Asian Arts:
Friends of THF US: Gwendy Feldman,

THF permanent staff 1999:
Andr� Alexander (Germany), co-director;
Pimpim de Azevedo (Portugal), co-director;
John Harrison (UK), conservation architect;
John Niewoehner (USA), water and sanitation programme;
Yutaka Hirako (Japan), chief accountant;
Ken Okuma (Japan), project architect;
Zara Thiessen (Sweden), documentation, Jamyang project coordinator;
Koichi Ichikawa (Japan), junior architect;
Nyima Tashi (Lhasa), office manager;
Nyima Tsering and Dawa (Lhasa), Lhundrup Dorj� (Amdo), office staff;
Phuntsok, Tseten, Tseyang, Ani Ngawang Choekyi (Lhasa), accounting and logistics.
Non-permanent staff:
Yangdrol (Lhasa), office accounting and hygiene programme;
Kerstin Grothmann (Germany), office; Mathew (Drokpa), research consultant.

Volunteers (independently funded):
Julia Hartmann, Beate Heyne (Germany); architectural documentation;
Michel Radon (Germany), water and sanitation project study.
Volunteers (funded by Carl-Duisberg Gesellschaft Germany):
Stephan Geburek (Germany); documentation, work on the Bonshoe House.
Chinese University of Hong Kong volunteer project:
Professor Puay-Peng Ho, Frank Chiu and the architecture students Chan Ka Chun, Chan Shu Ling, Chan Yuen Lai, So Kwok Kin, Tsang Siu Hing, Foo Chi Hin Nicholas, Li Man Yee Miranda, Lai Ho Mun, Chan Tin Wai, Tong Cho Hau, Leung Yat Wai, and graduate Kong Yuk Ha Thyne.

Special thanks to: Josef, Sally Chun, Carol Rattray, Susanne Kleinmann, Frances, Gladys Macey-Martinez, Hisako Hato, Mona, Julia Thiessen, Mary Kilty, Moke Mokotoff, A & K Hong Kong, and the visitors of the Manhattan THF Fundraising event December 1999 organized by Gwendy Feldman (whose contributions will flow into the 2000 budget). Thanks also to Nancy Jo Johnson and Carlo Meazza for their beautiful photographs. Trace Foundation supported the THF Lhasa office with $55,658.

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