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10.     P  A   R  T  I  C  I  P  A  N  T  S

Andre Alexander, co-founder and programme director. Independent researcher, photographer and writer about the old city of Lhasa since 1993; student of Tibetan architecture and history. Publications include a paper on Lhasa in the proceedings of the 1995 International Association of Tibetan Studies Seminar, annual reports on the Lhasa Old City since 1995, and a series of city development maps listed below.

Pimpim de Azevedo, field director. Artist and student of Tibetan architecture and social structures in Lhasa since 1994.

Dakar, Huan Xian Ling, Jian Juen and Loden, surveys, architectural and artistic drawings.

Andrea Dell'Angelo, planning and fund-raising consultant. Engineer and Director of ASIA, an Italian non-governmental organization that has built schools and hospitals in northern and eastern Tibet

Enrico Dell'Angelo, planning consultant. Doctorate in Tibetan literature, director of the Istituto Shang-Shung, an Italian cultural institution dedicated to the preservation and development of the Tibetan cultural tradition; presently administering an Italian government medical aid project in Tibet.

John Harrison, architecture consultant. Registered Architect, and research fellow at University of Liverpool, with extensive international experience in surveying, inspection, advising, design, and construction in Nepal, India, Pakistan and Tibet. Special expertise in the conservation of historic buildings.

His many positions since 1965 have included Adviser to the Department of Archaeology, His Majesty's Government of Nepal; Member of Nepal-German Project on High Mountain Archaeology; Advisor to the Aachen School of Architecture, and participant in RWTH Technische Hochshule's survey and exhibition on Ladakh and Zanskar monasteries.

Sylvester Kaben, technical consultant. Agricultural engineer; Master of Science in Agriculture with specialty in International Agricultural Development

Andreas Bründer, water and sanitation consultant.

Chimo Migmar-la, building consultant.

Margaret Miller, technical consultant. Water engineer; extensive experience in Africa, Asia and Latin America in water supply and sanitation projects.

Alex Müller, cartographer and planning consultant. Previous positions include cartography and conservation consultation for the Berlin Municipal Grovernment and the Brandenburg State Government.

Nyima Tashi, assistant field director.

Nyima Tsering, site supervision.

Moritz Wermelskirch, architecture consultant, mapping consultant.

THF Advisory Board: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Freitag, FU Berlin; Prof. Puay-Peng Ho, Hong Kong; Prof. Janet Gyatso, Amherst College; Carol Rattray, Hong Kong.

Friends of THF: Mary Kilty, New York; Gwendy Feldman, New York; Hollis Brookover, Hong Kong; Gerald Hatherly, Hong Kong; Elke Hessel, Düsseldorf; Dede Huang, Hong Kong; Frances Howland, Kathmandu.

Thanks to: Trace Foundation, MISEREOR, Heinrich-Böll Foundation, Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation, Pioneer Valley Friends of Tibet, Keiko and Frank Packard, Shalu Deutschland e.V., Elke Hessel, the German Embassy in Beijing, the Dutch Embassy in Beijing, Dr. Heather Stoddard, NORAD, John Leung Studios Hong Kong, Royal Geographic Society London.

Thanks also to Dr. R. Kostka and Dr. E. Heine, TU Graz, for technical assistance,

and to the Department of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong for assistance and collaboration on surveying the Murunyingba alleyway, especially Professors Puay-Peng Ho and Jeff Cody, director Professor Tom Peters, and students Alice Keung, Carmen Tsui, Gary Yeung, Howard Chang, Jimmy Cheng, Ko Shan, Lucia Cheung and Zenith Lam.

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