Padmapani is one of the most
common figures in Nepal. Standing in the triple-bend pose (tribhanga),
this manifestation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion is cast
in a classic Newar style, characterized by a fluid stance and
serene expression. The figure is remarkable in its simplicity
of line, graceful proportions, and elegant jewelry. Padmapani’s
right hand is delicately rendered in a gesture of acceptance
and openness (varadamudra), while his left hand holds
the lotus that blossoms at his left shoulder. In addition to
his ornamentation, he wears a symbolic thread across his chest
and a loosely flowing garment that falls in elegant folds around
his legs, held by a sash across his thighs. The designs on his
wrapped skirt (dhoti) are simple flower motifs common
to the Malla period.