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Blood of the Ogress, Drakmar

Blood of the Ogress, Drakmar
73 X 106.5 cm

Drakmar is a site where the landscape and man-made structures illustrate a well known Tibetan myth. Here Guru Rimpoche (Padmasambhava) eviscerated a huge demoness, the Balmo, her blood and liver dyeing the steep eroded hills in red and purple-grey. Her intestines are a long wall of mani stones (inscribed with prayers) and a large chorten pins down her heart. Smaller clusters
of chortens cover drops of her blood.

Towards the end of the valley these wind-sculpted cliffs house groups of caves. The mud wall with red ochre stripes indicates a religious function. Shrines burrowed into the very blood of the Balmo. (5)

© Copyright 1998 Robert Powell

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