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20. Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati
9th century
h.: 0.70 m; w.: 0.50 m.

 Shiva, Vishnu, Parvati

STOLEN: In its central figure this image depicts the united divinities Shiva (left half, with trident) and Vishnu (right half, with flaming disc) in the company of their respective consorts, Parvati (1. ) and Lakshmi (r. ). The sculpture stood near the sacred fountains of Balaju. Photo: 15. 4. 84. In November 1984, during a thwarted attempt of theft, looters broke the image into pieces and thus destroyed a work of art that had existed for more than one thousand years. Only the severed feet of Parvati remained on their lotus base. (Fig. E31/G29)

all text & images © Jürgen Schick

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