Gods are Leaving the Country

About The Author
Tel: 977-1-431797

The author was born in 1942 in Essen, Germany. After graduating in law, he worked for ten years
as a trial lawyer in Bonn until, in 1980, he left Germany to take up residence in Kathmandu, where he has been living ever since, working as a photographer, author and journalist.

His entire sympathy is devoted to the documentation and preservation of the ancient cultures of
the Himalayan countries which, having been inaccessible for centuries, nowadays, under the massive influence of the modern world, are rapidly changing their appearance.

Besides traveling in Nepal, he pays regular visits to Ladakh, Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan and other Asian countries.

Jürgen Schick is married to a Nepalese wife. They have two children, Michael Dorje and 
Nina Dölma.

"Bhutan - Buddhas and Demons" (art, 12 /1983)
"Nepal - A Culture Being Plundered" (art, 8/1986)
"In the Valley of the Gods" (Berge, 28/1988)
"The Gods are Leaving the Country" (GEO special 2/1988)
"The Gods are Leaving the Country" (ADEVA, Graz, 1989)

Gods are Leaving the Country