Tenzin Jigme

Art should be real & genuine, every single line & colour stroke in my works are true expression of my being associated with the social, natural and geographical elements of place I live in. I am a Tibetan and I learn from traditional culture while being a modern man; I have to use a modern way to see Tibetan culture & the living conditions of Tibetan.

I sensitively feel that existence vs. extinction, reality vs. fantasy, materialism vs. spiritualism, decay vs. birth are all inevitable part of life. And all these elements offer me spaces for speculation and appreciation, which eventually I depict in my works.


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  • 1968: Born in Lhasa
  • 1991-94: Studied at the Art Department of Tibet University.
  • 1995: Mounted pieces at an exhibition for the 20th anniversary of Tibet University.
    Received award for distinctive work.
  • 2003: Member of the Gedun Choephel Artist Guild

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