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L'Asie Exotique

Burmese Monywa dry lacquer Buddha image
Circa 1880
34-1/2”H x 17-1/2”W x 13-1/2”D

Burmese Monywa dry lacquer Buddha image on a rounded decorated lotus base with raised lacquer foliate details, seated in padmasana, the lotus position with the hands in the bhumisparsa mudra (the earth touching position), extended earlobes, high arching eyebrows and the hair composed of Shwei-bo thorns (sharp lacquer spines) and wood usnisa finial (separate), applied lacquer costume draped over the left shoulder and just covering the other, all lacquered brick red with traces of gold leaf. Left hand replaced, chipped base, minor losses, otherwise fine condition.

all text, images © L'Asie Exotique


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