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Jonathan Tucker - Antonia Tozer ASIAN ART

Seated Buddha
Tang dynasty, 618-907AD 
H. 22 ¼ ins, 56.5 cm. 

Seated Buddha

An unglazed terracotta model of the Buddha seated in ‘European pose’ on a tiered rectangular pedestal, his right hand holding a fold of robe against his chest and the left resting upon his thigh, wearing a full length robe, lightly moulded and draping close to the body to reveal his feet; a separately modelled mandorla with rising flames encircling a central floral halo, flanked by ornamental carvings of hornless dragons (chi) with bulging eyes, upturned snout and gaping mouths and beneath, a pair of lambs standing on hind legs and supported by flowers; the pedestal with a pair of crouching lions, extensive traces of red pigments throughout. 

Age verified by three point Oxford Thermoluminescence Test C102t68

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