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Michael Bachman Ltd.

Mandalay-style seated bronze Buddha
19th c.
height: 26 cm

A Buddha, cast in the northern Burmese city of Mandalay in the mid-19th century. Cast using the lost wax process, the figure is seated in the vajrasana position. The right hand is in the gesture of touching the earth (bhumisparsa-mudra). The left is in the gesture of meditation (dhyana-mudra). It has a finely cast face and eyes inset with white mother-of-pearl with dark glass pupils. The tight curls of the hair have been darkened with lacquer. The fingernails are clearly defined. The throne is tapering. The sanghati (robe) is worn leaving the right shoulder bare.

This beautiful image is unusual for the elaborately flowing styling of the sanghati with its ‘fish tail’ folds and cloud-like contours.

all text & images © Michael Bachman Ltd.

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