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Theresa McCullough
35 Dover Street, 1st Floor Mezzanine
London, W1S 4NQ
United Kingdom
Tel: 020 7499 2243
Fax: 020 7491 0042


India; Northern Bengal (ancient Varendra)
12th c.; Pala period
78.2 cm (30 ins)

An image of Uma sitting on Siva's lap in an affectionate embrace. Siva is four armed, his lower left hand cupping Uma's breast, holding his trident (trisula) , a symbol of Siva's invincibility, in his upper left hand. With his lower right hand he caressed Uma's chin with two fingers, and holds the blue lotus (nilotpala) in his upper right hand, a symbol of energy. A diminutive figure of a serpent appears at this right shoulder. Uma's right arm caresses Siva's shoulder, while she holds a mirror (adarsa), symbolising the feminine aspect and also the transience of the material world, in her left hand. They both sit upon a lotus throne with one leg pendant and resting on a lotus pad, above their respective vehicles, Nandi for Siva and a lion for Uma. Between the vehicles stands the figure ofBhrngi, a devotee of Siva. The rest of the stele incorporates typical details of Pala period sculpture; leogryphs with carayatids and elephants, flying vidyadharas and a kala mask at the apex.

Provenance details:
In the Frank Russek Collection until 1985 when it was purchased by the current owner from the family.

Itemcode: c0055

all text & images © Theresa McCullough Ltd.

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