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Asian Art Calendar of Events

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Exhibition Private - USA & Canada
Asia Week New York

Chinese and Vietnamese Ceramics from American and Japanese Collections

Zetterquist Galleries
3 East 66th Street,
New York, USA
Mar 14, 2024 To Mar 24, 2024

Detail: Zetterquist Galleries is delighted to present an exhibition of Chinese and Vietnamese Ceramics, all sourced from American and Japanese collections.

The Chinese pieces range in date from the Tang through Ming Dynasty, starting with a large Tang Dynasty whiteware jar, rare for its size and excellent condition. There is a selection of nine Song Dynasty pieces with fine examples of Ding, Yaozhou, Henan and Cizhou pieces from Northern China. From Southern China, there are elegant examples of Qingbai porcelains from the Hutien Kilns and a Jian-yao “Hare’s fur” tea bowl from a Japanese tea ceremony collection. From the Ming Dynasty there are two Longquan celadons; The barbed-rim charger with an ideal minty-green glaze color, and an exquisite “Gu” form vase, with Taoist trinary symbols, in an old lacquer box with silver inscription, also from a Japanese tea ceremony collection.

Most of the Vietnamese selections come from the collection of Mary and Cheney Cowles, whose extraordinary collection of Chinese ceramics sold in these rooms last Spring. They collected Vietnamese ceramics with the same exacting eye for quality, condition and beauty with which they chose their Chinese wares. Representing Northern Vietnamese kilns from the Ly Dynasty (1009-1225) through the Le Dynasty (1428-1788), this scholarly collection includes wares of varied techniques, forms and functions. From the elegant Thanh Hoa pieces with Buddhist inspired form, to Blue and white porcelaineous pieces of excellent condition and intricate decoration, this group exhibits the finest of Vietnamese wares.

Phone No.: (212) 751 0650
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Celadon Lidded Bowl
Celadon Lidded Bowl
Tran Dynasty, 1225-1400 AD, Vietnam
Diameter: 17.5 cm
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