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Asian Art Calendar of Events

Friday, April 19, 2024

Exhibition Public - USA & Canada

Life After: The Bardo

The Rubin Museum of Art
150 West 17th St.,
New York, USA
Mar 17, 2023 To Jan 14, 2024

Detail: Life After: The Bardo is an installation that invites visitors to lay down and listen to the excerpts from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, one of the most widely distributed forms of bardo-related ritual texts.

Beliefs about death and the afterlife vary among Tibetan Buddhist lineages, but all the traditions share in the concept of the bardo, an intermediate state between death and rebirth. The texts read aloud during funerary rituals describe the deceased’s journey through three bardos. They detail the colors, lights, sounds, and deities the deceased will encounter while guiding them toward a favorable rebirth. By recognizing these visions as manifestations of reality, one may escape the cycle of rebirth and achieve liberation.

Life After: The Bardo features recitations of two bardo ritual texts, including a full recitation of an English translation of Liberation upon Hearing in the Bardo. This installation is presented in conjunction with the Rubin Museum’s yearlong thematic focus on Life After, exploring moments of change that propel us into the unknown and compel us to imagine what comes next.

Phone No.: (212) 620-5000
Contact Email: [email protected]
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