Asian Arts
Consignment Gallery
Consignment Gallery Mail

Please use this form if you are interested in ordering or obtaining further information about objects in the Consignment Gallery, or if you need more information about the Gallery and its policies. Please be sure to include your full name and address if you are interested in ordering or obtaining further information. If you would like to order an item, submitting this form will reserve the item in your name if it has not already been reserved or purchased. As there are still security concerns about the transfer of financial information over the Internet, we will contact you and ask you to send payment by older, more traditional means.

Your Order or Enquiry

Number Item Title Price
Click here to return to the Consignment gallery, or use the back button, if you don't remember the title of the item
(hint: copy from the Consignment gallery (control-c or apple-c) and paste to the form to make it easy)

Your Email Address (important):

Your name and address:

I would like to order the above
I would like further information on the above

Use the space below for comments and to specify any further information you might like to receive:

Asian Arts
Consignment Gallery