

Meru Nyingba Monastary

As a functioning monastery this site is already protected and therefore not included in the 76 list. However, it is situated in the middle of the THF Barkor conservation area, and in late 1998 THF received permission to carry out an extensive restoration and rehabilitation project, funded by the Federal German embassy in Beijing. Meru Nyingba was founded by emperor Ralpatchen in the 9th century. The 5th Dalai Lama extended the premises to make Meru Nyingba into the Lhasa residence of the Nechung State Oracle. Since 1985, Meru Nyingba houses one monk community from Nechung, one from Meru Sarba Monastery, one from Gongkar Choede, as well as several ordinary families in converted monks' quarters. THIF carried out extensive structural repairs, replaced lost original fittings (carved windows, railings, doors), upgraded the toilet systems, built a shower room for the monks, and is currently laying new Arga on the roof A German mural restorer, Uli Eltgen, was invited to uncover and stabilize religious murals.

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South elevation of former monks' quarters

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Level 2
