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The Xi Xia Legacy in Sino-Tibetan Art of the Yuan Dynasty

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Fig 55.
On the left:
Sri - Devi,
12th century, Xi Xia Empire, cave 465, Mogao,
(after Duan Wenjie et al. Dunhuang Shiku Yishu: Mogaoku Di Siliuwu Ku (YUAN)[The Art of the Dunhuang Caves: Mogao Cave No: 465: Yuan]. Nanjing, 1996: 148).

On the right:
A figure Sri-Devi,
Yongle reign (1403-1424), Ming dynasty,
gilt brass,
21 cm.
Jokhang Temple, Lhasa, China (after von Schroeder, 2001:357 A-B).