9. Scorpion Cuticle
A transverse section of the cuticle of the sclerotized dorsal sclerite of Hadrurus arizonensius (*8,570): epi, epicuticle; exo,exocuticle; endo, a small portion fo the endocuticle. The exocuticle can be further divided in to an outer hyaline exocuticle (hX) and the inner exocuticle (ix). B,The cuticle at higher magnification (*78,750): epi, epicuticle; lhx, lamellate hyaline exocuticle; wc, a wax canal.The epicuticle is subdivided into four layers: m, an outer membrane; oe, an unstained outer epicuticle;c, a cuticulin layer; d, a dense homogenous layer. The wax canal penetrates the base of the cuticulin layer but is covered by the outer membrane and outer epicuticle. (From Hadley & Filshie 1979) C, Scanning electron micrograph of the external surface of an untreated sclerite cuticle (*630): ap, amorphous particles; en,filmlike encrustations; cp, small crystalline projections, most numerous on the sides of tubercles. The arrow points to the opening of a dermal gland duct. (From Hadley & Filshie 1979) |