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Adams, Marie Jeanne, 1999, Life and death on Sumba, in Decorative Arts of Sumba, Amsterdam: Pepin Press, 11-29.

Barnes, Ruth, 1989, The Ikat Textiles of Lamalera. A Study of an Eastern Indonesian Weaving Tradition, Leiden: E.J.Brill.

Duggan, GeneviƩve, 2001: Ikats of Savu. Women Weaving History in Eastern Indonesia, Bangkok, White Lotus Press

Fox, James J., 1979: Figure Shark and Pattern Crocodile: The Foundations of the Textile Traditions of Roti and Ndao, in Gittinger, Mattiebelle (ed.), Indonesian Textiles, Washington: Textile Museum, 39-55.

Hamilton, Roy W., 1994, Ende Regency, in Hamilton, Roy W. (ed.), 1994: Gift of the Cotton Maiden. Textiles of Flores and the Solor Islands, Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California, 123-147.

Lewis, E.D., 1994: Sikka Regency, in Hamilton, Roy W. (ed.), 1994: Gift of the Cotton Maiden. Textiles of Flores and the Solor Islands, Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, University of California: 149-169.

Schuster, Carl, und Edmund Carpenter, 1996, Patterns that Connect: Social Symbolism in Ancient & Tribal Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers.

Van Vuuren, Marianne, 2001, Ikat from Tanimbar, published by the author.

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