Fig. A: Avalikoteśvara Padmapāṇi
Nepal, circa 550
Gaṇa Bāhā Hiti
Dark stone
H. 86 cm
Photo: Ulrich von Schroeder 1975
Plate 319B 7532-02 Ulrich von Schroeder 1975 (NSS SD card)
Details: see thumbnails below
Detail 1 - Photo Sunil July 28, 2015, showing the damage to aureole from an attempted theft in the late 1970s or 1980s
Plate 319B-7532-02 Sunil_Dongol 28.07.2015 (NSS SD card)
Detail 2 – with nearby sculptures
Photo Ulrich von Schroeder August 30 2012
Plate 319B 2012-387A Ulrich von Schroeder 30.08.2012 1239 (NSS SD card)
Citations: Published:
Pal, Pratapaditya, 1974, The Arts of Nepal, Part I: Sculpture: fig. 8 Avalikoteśvara. Gana bahal (Kathmandu) circa A.D. 550
Pal, Pratapaditya, 1974, Buddhist Art in Licchavi Nepal, pp 9, 18, fig. 37, Padmapāṇi, Gana baha A.D. 550
Bangdel, Lain Singh, 1987, Zweitausendfunfhundert Jahre nepalische Kunst: 182, Tafel 146: Bodhisattva Padmapani. Gana-bahal, Kathmandu, etwa 550.
Bangdel, Lain Singh, 1989, Stolen Images of Nepal: 304-305, pls. 215-216: Bodhisattva Padmapani, Ganabahal, Kathmandu, A.D. 550.
Bangdel, Lain Singh, 1995, Inventory of Stone Sculptures of the Kathmandu Valley: 110, section 12, fig. 1: Bodhisattva Padmapani. Gana Bahal and Tebhal, Kathmandu. A.D. 550.
Bangdel, Lain Singh and Aryal, Mukunda Raj, 1996, A Report of the Study of Iconography: 59, 80, pl. 19: Lokeshvara of Dhahahara. Gana Bahal, Kathmandu.
Huntington, John C. and Dina Bangdel, 2003, The Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art: 60, fig. 2: Bodhisattva Padmapani: Gana Baha, Kathmandu. Ramadeva inscription of 550.
Inscription on base published:
(DV 40, Gnoli 18, HJ 42, DR 35)
Gnoli, Raniero, 1956 E. Nepalese Inscriptions in Gupta Characters, Part I: Text, Part II: Plates, no. 18
Vajracharya, Dhanavajra, 1973 (DV). Licchavikālakā abhilekha (Inscriptions of the Licchavi Period), p 177, no 40
Joshi, Hari, 1973 (HJ). Nepālako Prācīna Abhilekha (Ancient Inscriptions of Nepal), no. 42
Regmi, D. R. 1983. Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal, Vol I : Inscriptions, Vol. II : Translation, Vol. III : Plates. No. 35