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The Miniature Paintings of Mongolian Buddhism:
Tsaklis, Thangkas and Burhany Zurags

by Stevan Davies
Professor of Religious Studies, Misericordia University

Tibetan Tsakli Representing the Five Buddha Families
13 x 11 cm
Painted on Tibetan-Cardboard, Surface Glazed
Mid-19th To Early 20th Century

Top Left, Jewels representing the Ratna family of Ratnasambhava and the faculty of Sensation.
Top Right, Lotus representing the Padma family of Amitabha and the faculty of Perception.
Center, Dharma Wheel representing the Tathagata family of Vairocana and the faculty of form.
Bottom Left, Vajra representing the Vajra family of Aksobhya and the faculty of Consciousness.
Bottom Right, Double Vajra representing the Karma family of Amoghasiddhi and the faculty of Perception.

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