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Afterword: The Architecture in Nepal

Architecture in Nepal
A dissertation submitted for the degree of D. Phil. (Arts) of the University of Calcutta

A Gallery of the accompanying Photographs

Pratapaditya Pal
University of Calcutta, July 1962

These photographs were taken by Dr. Pal or his colleagues or assistants during his research trips to Nepal from 1958 to 1962; or were collected during that time by Dr. Pal from various sources. These images formed the second part of Dr. Pal's dissertation, and were published along with the facsimile text of the dissertation, in Architecture in Nepal, with an introduction by Niels Gutschow and Erich Theophile, Patan, Nepal, The Kathmandu Valley Preservation Trust 2024. In some cases, we have added present-day color photos in a separate page linked below the caption. These photographs were taken by assistant editor and production manager - and professional photographer - Sameer Tuladhar.

December 12, 2024

all text & images © Pratapaditya Pal

(click on small images for large images with captions)

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all text & images © Pratapaditya Pal

Afterword: The Architecture in Nepal | articles