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Peaceful Wind

1. Ushnishavijaya
Sino-Tibetan or Mongolian
19th c.
paint on paper
26 x 16 inches
Detail:close up of central figure
Like the painting of the Gelugpa Lama, this painting is in an unusual style, combining the characteristic opaque, bright palette of the central Tibetan, Menri style with certain elements that seem to come from China or possibly even Mongoloia. The wrathful face of the Ushnisavijaya is particularly delicately rendered. Ushnishavijaya is seated on a lotus base backed by a mandorla and halo, with eight radiating arms, holding a Buddha effigy, arrow, and double vajra, base, bow, and snare, also performing varada and abhaya mudra, with attendents flanking both her sides, White Tara, Amitabha, and Green Tara above, Magzur Gyalmo and Vaishravana below.

Detail:close up of Vaishravana
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