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Peaceful Wind

1. Chakrasamvara Thangka
19th c.
paint on cotton
19" x 27"

Chakrasamvara Thangka

Chakrasamavara is the most popular Vajrayana tutelary deity (skt. istadevata, Tib. yidam) among the Newar Buddhists of the Kathmandu valley. This depiction shows the blue-colored, four-headed, twelve armed god in striding posture embracing his consort the goddess Vajravarahi. In the four corners of the painting are shown the four principal dakinis of the Kathmandu valley.

The inscription states that the painting was consecrated in the year 1883 for Maniratna Vajracarya and his son Suddharatna who were living in Lhasa at the time. This type of painting is typical of this combined Newar-Tibetan school, in an overall Tibetan style, painted in strong opaque colors, with the inscription along the bottom painted in gold along the lower border.

Detail: Entire painting with surround

Detail: Detail of Dakini

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