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Subject:Nephrite/Jade Rough Boulder 4 Sale
Posted By: Amber Bouchard Sat, Oct 11, 2008 IP:

My name is Amber, I live in Reno, Nevada. I am in a big bind and not sure how to go about it. I have a 19 - 22 Ton Boulder of Rough Nephrite/Jade I am wanting to sell. But for the life of me I can not find a buyer. I am not sure where to look or anything. This Boulder was left to me and it is in my front yard and I am trying to sell my house , so of course I must sell the boulder. I am paying a finders fee of 10 - 15% of the sale price to whom ever can help me get a buyer for this jade boulder. It is approx 38,000 - 42,000 lbs. like the size of a vw bug. If you can assist me with this or maybe you may know someone that can help me can you let me know PLEASE ! my email is and my cell number is 775-657-1804 Thank you very much for taking the time to read this email. I really hope you are able to help me. I do have reports and photos if you like.

Amber Bouchard

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