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Subject:Little dish picked up for a song!
Posted By: Ceri Tue, Nov 11, 2014 IP:

Hello everyone, I'm a novice I'm afraid and just picked up this little dish for 25p because I liked the fineness of the porcelain and the different designs on the front which seem to have messages in them. It's pretty thin, so if I hold it up to the light I can see the markings on the back through the porcelain. Could anyone help me out with whether this is modern or old and what the messages might be?

Subject:Re: Little dish picked up for a song!
Posted By: Bill H Thu, Nov 13, 2014

Mark reads down from the right as "Made by Zoshuntei Sampo". Here's another recent query about the same mark, with additional information.

Best regards,

Bill H.

URL Title :zoshuntei sampo

Subject:Re: Little dish picked up for a song!
Posted By: Ceri Fri, Nov 14, 2014

Bill, many thanks! Really appreciate your help.
Ceri | Associations | Articles | Exhibitions | Galleries |