The popular Mahakala was originally
a demon, who was tamed by Manjusri and Avalokitesvara and turned into
a fierce protector of Buddhism, belonging to the Dharmapalas. This important
spiritual protector deity is also known as 'the lord of the wind', and
'the great black one', a great guardian of the Dharma. Mahakala takes
a terrific form to conquer the most horrible realms of existence. As
a fierce manifestation of Avalokitesvara, he helps beings overcome all
negative elements, especially spiritual ones, personified and symbolised
by the fearsome creatures over which he becomes lord.
Mahakala stands on the body of a lying corpse, depicted on a double
lotus throne with strands of pearls. In his hands he holds a kartrika
(vajra chopper) and a kapala (scull) in front of him; the skull is full
of the blood and guts of demons turned into elixir. Mahakala is wearing
beaded jewellery around his waist, a garland of demon heads and has
a serpent tied on top of his pot-belly. Adorned with necklaces, naga
bracelets, coiled serpent ear ornaments with foliate pendants, and a
billowing sash, Mahakala wears a five-leafed crown with ornaments fluttering
behind his ears and strands of pearls suspended on his forehead. His
crown of five skulls represent the five afflictions of anger, greed,
pride, envy and ignorance. The protector's face is depicted with fierce
expression, three bulging round eyes, broad nose, snarling mouth with
fangs bared and with curly beard and moustache.
After Taizu, the Hongwu emperor (1368-1398 A.D.), restored diplomatic
and trade missions with Tibet, the Chinese emperor Chenzu sought actively
the services of Tibetan lamas, in the Yongle era (1403-1424 A.D.). Of
the outstanding bronze sculptures from this period, many bear the imperial
inscriptions of the Yongle and Xuande (1426-1435 A.D.) periods, as they
were produced in government workshops, and may be regarded as classic
examples of the Tibeto-Chinese style. This bronze Mahakala is a good
example of this period, an early Ming work of art, produced in the first
half of the 15th century, exhibiting all the typical stylistic characteristics:
the double lotus throne with pronounced large leaves continuing at the
back, the shape of the five-leafed crown, the typical moving ornamentation,
and the style of the jewellery.
Spiritual obstacles are not caused by external circumstances, but by
inner defilements, such as fear, hate, pride and jealousy. The inner
force of Mahakala is invoked to vanquish these problems; he appears
in this superb bronze image as 'self assured', possessing an amazing
amount of concentrated magical power. The figure is well modelled and
cast, revealing striking positioning of his hands, perfect balance and
a lively movement of all features. Portrayed with great imagination,
Mahakala is depicted as a powerful god and spiritual protector.