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4. Jhamsang
First Railway

mixed media
19 1/2 x 66 1/4 inches
Jhamsang<br>First Railway

click here for full size image (2000 x 615 pixels, 287 KB)

"I wanted to depict this as a kind of divination of a Buddha or a dream. The train will bring modern culture and there will be the contrasts, clashes and even intermingling between modern and traditional. The 2 mandalas represent Tibetan traditional culture, which in the face of modernity is ‘de-colored’. The modernity has the stronger colours, but I feel that eventually everything has a time, as in the Buddhist teachings of impermanence. Eventually everything will be lost or disappear. The woman depicts traditional woman and the man depicts modern man. In the train, romantic things could happen, but I really don’t know what results this will bring."

Artist's Biography
all text and images © Peaceful Wind
photographs by and © Jason Sangster 2006
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