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Asian Art Calendar of Events

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Exhibition Public - USA & Canada

KOKI MORIMOTO: Metamorphosis

Agora Gallery
530 West 25th Street,
New York, USA
Nov 11, 2017 To Dec 02, 2017

Detail: Japanese artist Koki Morimoto likens his painting process to the natural process by which plants emerge from the ground and grow, an evolution which is echoed in the elegant lines and shapes of his black and white acrylic compositions. The seductive curves and textures in these abstract canvases occasionally suggest such disparate subjects as landscapes or calligraphy, and their titles occasionally offer evocations of nature, but the works remain decidedly non-representational, focusing viewers' eyes on the visual and tactile properties of the thick, rounded brushstrokes and the interplay of light and dark areas in each image.

The dark, sinuous forms Morimoto's marks describe — to which he occasionally adds shades of color like pale blues, yellows, and dark browns — guide the eyes over the canvas, at times becoming bold and thick, elsewhere thinning out to reveal the white beneath. Each work takes the viewer on an optical journey of sorts, tracing a line over a white space, like a seed emerging from barren ground.

Phone No.: (+1)212-226-4151
Fax: (+1)212-966-4380
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Memory of a Seed 12-3
Memory of a Seed 12-3
39" x 28"
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