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What a scam!

Posted By: Bill
Posted Date: Dec 10, 2010 (10:39 PM)

Reading the description of this 1127 Chines (Chinese) North-Song (Sung) Dynasty Guan-Yin Buddha gave me a headache because the writer's English was so poor and his knowledge of jade was non-existent:

"This is "The best Suet-like Milky White Jadeite carved China North-Song Dynasty
Guan-Yin Buddha of the Queenós with the Eastern Roman Empire Christian or
Catholic westerner beautiful Face". Year: 1127, Suet-like Milky White Jadeite
carved means the West White-Tiger (i.e. The West, The Sword, and the Perfect
Protection.). Size: Height 30.5 cm Width 14.5 cm Thickness 5.5 cm, Weight:
2.760 KGs, Price: MIN. USD 10 Million. This is for Queen's prayers only
in the ancient imperial royal family of China. The best Suet-like Milky
White Jadeite material of this same big size carved for this work of art
was so scarcely to be found and was also the only unique privilege of the
imperial royal family in ancient China. Thus it was 100% illegal to be possessed
by the civilians at that time. At the bottom and the rear, the true grains
of the Suet-like Milky White Jadeite are very clear."

He kept calling this piece "Jadeite" and his description seemed to attribute it as that of North Song or around 1127. The problem is that there was really no record of jadeite being used in creating carvings in China until the midst of Qing dynasty (I cannot recall the approximate date without consulting my jade books, but it was a long time after the Song dynasty).

Secondly, whether it was ancient time or modern time, there was simply no record of jadeite every being mined inside China, ever. As a matter of fact, there was no Nephrite ever mined inside China either because Xinjiang, the main source of nephrite used for archaic Chinese carvings, was often not part of the proper of China. Although there were suggestions that nephrite might indeed be once mined inside China or they could still be found in Liaoning, China, however I have yet seen indisputable evidence to support such suggestions.

As a matter of fact, with a piece of such size (2.7 kg) I really doubt it could be made of real jade, since the writer seems to reside in Taiwan, I believe it might be made of a type of white soft stone commonly found in Taiwan.

In short, this is simply a dumb scam pulled by somebody who had absolutely no knowledge of jade.

It is surely entertaining though.

The advice for all jade lovers may be: you better spend money in jade books first before you spend another penny in buying fade jades.

BILL the jadelover

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